After the weak ending in the previous year, the New Year'sinternational steel market started weakly. As of the reporting period, theglobal steel benchmark price index of 113.6 points rose by 0.11% on aweek-on-week basis (down from up to down), down 0.8% month-on-month(concession), down 5.5% (expanded), down 5.5% year-on-year. (from ups anddowns). Among them: flat steel index was 104.6 points, up 0.1% on aweek-on-week basis (from down to up); long product index was 123.2 points, up0.2% on a week-on-week basis (from down to up); Asia index was 113.2 points, up0.5% on a week-on-week basis (by Falling up). The index of China in Asia was115 points, up 0.7% on a week-on-week basis (from upside down); the Americasindex was 140.3 points, which was flat on a week-on-week basis (from flat toflat); the European index was 96.4 points, down 0.5% on a week-on-week basis(from upside down) fall). The opening data once again revealed that the globalsteel market has entered the initial stage of major cyclical adjustment,combined with historical footprints and fundamentals, and the internationalsteel market in the first two months of the year is mostly adjusted for thetrend, if there is no major positive, the stage Sex adjustments may continueuntil the end of the first quarter.